
Claim HealthCare offers top-notch credentialing and enrollment services to help healthcare providers become an affiliated part of a recognized network of insurance groups. Whether you are an established healthcare provider or a new practitioner, Claim HealthCare can help you achieve smooth billing operations and boost profits through a streamlined credentialing process.

Book An Appointment

Simple 5-Step Process

We collect and store data and documents for credentialing.
Payer Submission
We create a strategy, contact top payers, and file applications.
Application Audit
We audit applications for accuracy before filing in payer formats.
Updates & Follow-ups
We schedule regular follow-ups to track the application status.
Enrollment and Tracking
We secure numbers, update providers, and offer ParTracker™ access.

Contact Us

Discover how we revolutionize the revenue cycle with solutions that enhance the patient experience, boost operational efficiency, and elevate financial performance.

Why Choose Us

Claim Healthcare offers comprehensive credentialing services across all healthcare specialties, supported by advanced software and a skilled team. Our experts handle the complexities and follow-ups, with tailored customer service support available when needed.
The detailed nature of credentialing forms often leads to blank fields or incorrect information, resulting in application rejections. Our experienced team, with extensive expertise in verifying healthcare providers, ensures that every detail of your medical qualifications is accurately recorded. This diligence guarantees a smooth and efficient credentialing process without any setbacks.

Completing the credentialing process can be demanding and resource-intensive, often involving extensive background checks that may take weeks or even months. By managing all the tedious paperwork, Claim Healthcare enables healthcare providers to focus on what truly matters—patient care. Our knowledgeable field experts are well-versed in the intricacies of the healthcare industry, making the credentialing and enrollment process swift and hassle-free for your medical practice.

Why Choose Us

Prevent rework and save time by minimizing billing errors

Our onboard team, comprised of experienced and well-trained medical billers, possesses extensive knowledge of all complex claim submission processes. Our staff undergoes a vigorous training process to become proficient at completing the statutory quality and domain-driven knowledge assessment. Before sending any claim to the payer, our medical billers undertake a meticulous procedure to review and edit the claim for any errors to ensure accurate and prompt submissions.

Our top-notch services ensure that our clients receive a steady cash flow and swift collection. By trusting Sypore, providers can achieve better economies of scale without going through the painstaking task of medical billing.

Our goal is to help you do your job impeccably. Our medical billing services ensure correct reimbursement of all services, swift identification of errors in submissions, and rapid follow-up of any denied claims. By employing our multifaceted services, healthcare practitioners can exclusively focus on patient care and dedicate all their energy to providing an unprecedented healthcare experience to their patients.